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Young Castle Vale Residents Get Creative!

With our Compass Support colleagues, we held an art competition for local primary school children in Castle Vale to showcase their talent.

We asked children from local primary schools to create a picture, whether this be by painting, drawing or with crafts, about what they love most about Castle Vale.

The winners were announced at our art gallery event ‘The Big Reveal’ at the Sanctuary, on Friday 10th May, where we invited the children and their parents to see their work framed and on display.

The winners were Lacey, Megan, S.Sahasma, Callum Gillick, Skylar Orne-Joicey and Willow Orne-Joicey from Chivenor Primary School, as well as Sophie Tsang and Esther Wolfe from Pegasus Primary School.

Jane Barrett, Youth Team Leader at Compass said: “A massive well done to everyone who took part in the competition, the standard of entries was really high, and we found it really hard to pick the winners!

“We had a range of entries including pictures of Spitfire Island, Farnborough Fields, Castle Vale Swimming Pool and our very own, Castle Vale Stadium.”

Winners were awarded a £10 Amazon voucher for coming out tops in the competition, but no child left empty handed as they each received a goodie bag for taking part!

This brilliant artwork will be featured at our working office on the High Street, The Sanctuary and Falcon Lodge.

Compass support offers a range of services including family support, youth support, health and wellbeing and employment guidance. If you’d like to find out more visit