Castle Vale’s Neighbourhood Tasking’s are bi-monthly meetings for residents to have their say on all things clean, green and safe. Below is a review of the topics discussed and points made including issues to be addressed in the next follow-up meeting.
Castle Vale Neighbourhood Tasking
Brian Cragg (BC) – Chairing;
Ifor Jones (IJ) Kate Foley (KF) – minutes;
John Miles (JM); Elizabeth Gardner (LG) Pat Romano (PR); Tony Romano (TR); Sgt Edkins (Sgt E);
Ken Sims; Cllr Webb
Notes from the last meeting and Matters Arising
- It was noted that ‘Neighbourhood Stewardship charge was not an accurate reflection of the discussion and that this option is not being considered.
- Previously noted that Newsletter had now been produced, although KF updated about delays in distribution. These were being addressed with a plan to distribute across the estate over the coming week. Members welcomed the Newsletter and aim to encourage contributions from across the community – with the possibility of establishing a more regular editorial group. Noted that any suggestions, letters or articles can be provided to Rebecca Winkless
- Reported that work is still being progressed to serve Community Protection Notice at Premier shop/site. This is being taken forward in conjunction with Birmingham City Council
- IJ reported on discussions with Birmingham City Council about the play equipment on Farnborough Fields. Noted that while the area is safe there is a question about funding to replace the damaged Witches Hat equipment. Noted that Cllr Webb has offered to take this forward. BC pointed out that Birmingham City Council have legal obligation to provide this as relates to previous legal agreement and BC will provide documentation
- IJ reported that Neighbourhood Partnership Board had provided local funding for these to be put in place and this is now complete. Noted concern to ensure that road safety issues are built into plans for new Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust properties
- Work is being taken forward in Housing Management team to resolve the issue of the electric box and make the area safe. Noted that there is a need to establish ownership of the box and long term plans.
- Noted that the cycle path was launched on Saturday 15 September with Cllr Webb and Cllr Waseem Zaffar, the Cabinet Member for Transportation. In preparation for the launch bushes and overgrown areas had been cut back by CVCH staff and Birmingham City Council and the Bear Walk had been cleared. Useful discussions were held with Cllr Zaffatr about the wider issues of air quality.
- IJ reported that a working group has now been established with Birmingham City Council and a report will be available by December.
Neighbourhood Tasking Draft Terms of Reference
- IJ introduced a paper on the overall approach to Neighbourhood governance. The proposal would see the role of Tasking strengthened and feeding into a re-constituted Neighbourhood Partnership Board (NPB). The new Neighbourhood Partnership Board would retain a resident majority, but would also reflect the emerging partnerships in the area around the 3rd sector and schools/education. Cllr Webb would be holding Ward Forum meetings on a quarterly basis and the Neighbourhood Partnership Board and Tasking would be able to feed directly into these. Within the new structure, the role of Tasking would be crucial in feeding issues ‘from the ground’ to the Neighbourhood Partnership Board and it would be supported effectively and regularly by the relevant partners
- It was noted that the strengthened role of Tasking would be supported by the commitment to holding 2 – 4 issue-based public meetings, in addition to the 6 meetings of the group per year.
- Members noted that there was a need to streamline the governance structure in order to concentrate resources on delivery of the priorities in the Neighbourhood Plan. It was noted that feed in from Tasking to Ward Forum meetings would ensure that issues were formally captured within Birmingham City Council governance and there would also be a route to feed into Birmingham Community Safety Partnership as well as the Neighbourhood Partnership Board. The proposals were agreed by the group.
Update from Police
- Sgt Edkins reported on the analysis of crime statistics over the previous 7-week period. Overall there had been 123 crimes recorded, which was considered to be a relatively low number compared to other, higher-crime areas. Sgt Edkins noted that the figures included crimes committed at the retail park on the estate and this raised the overall numbers. Comparison figures would be provided at future meetings
- Sgt Edkins reported that the Police had been active in undertaking traffic operations recently and noted that many drivers who were stopped appeared to be unaware of the 20mph speed limit. There was a discussion about whether signage could be improved across the estate. There was also a discussion about whether the roundabouts on the estate are an effective traffic-calming measure. Sgt Edkins also said he would look at the van parked in Farnborough Road that obscures the view
CCTV Update
- It was noted that there was no detailed CCTV report available and KF was asked to provide this in future with some analysis of where the main issues are being reported
Hot Spots
- IJ reported that work is progressing to serve the Premier food shop with a Community Protection Notice, in conjunction with Birmingham Community Safety Partnership
- A query was raised about whether the shop next door has planning permission as this had been raised by Cllr Webb.
- Reports had been received about the distribution of cannabis on the estate and Sgt Edkins agreed to take this up with Rev Mark Green
Environmental Update
- It was noted that there was still an outstanding invitation that had been made to Cllr Trickett when she was Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Waste and Environment. Noted that she had now been replaced by Cllr Majid Mahmood. IJ agreed to reissue the invitation to Cllr Mahmood
- Noted that the neighbourhood newsletter has been produced and arrangements are being made for distribution across the estate
- Noted that Neighbourhood Plan was launched on 14 September
- Noted that Wagtail Walk cycle path was reopened on 15 September
- Sgt Edkins recommended that people sign up to the WM Now service, which provides targeted updates about Policing and community issues
Any other business
- A query was raised about low-flying planes and IJ confirmed that no response from Civil Aviation Authority has been posted on Birmingham Airport website. There should not therefore have been any change to flight paths, but there were lots of reports from across the estate that changes had been implemented. This was being followed up by Jack Dromey MP and Cllr Webb
- IJ also reported on plans to take forward local air quality monitoring and develop an overall strategic approach which could then be fed into Birmingham City Council clean air strategy and possibly gain funding for local clean air initiatives
To download a copy of the original minutes, click below: