The Pioneer Group has launched its corporate plan consultation today, asking everyone in and around Castle Vale, Stockland Green and Falcon Lodge to give feedback on proposals to improve the areas over for the next five years.
The Pioneer Group wants to ensure that its plan meets the expectations and aspirations of customers (tenants/residents), staff and communities.
Over the next twelve weeks, there will be opportunities to take part in surveys, public meetings and workshops. The Pioneer Group is communicating to a range of audiences wants to hear your feedback on the plan’s approach and proposals.
The key goal of the plan is simply to be ‘the best housing and community organisation in the country’ by 2025, by continuing its work as a high performing organisation delivering quality services. The Pioneer Group recently featured in in the Great Places report, produced by the National Housing Federation, as one of the most successful examples of how to deliver sustainable housing regeneration.
The plan includes a clear, ambitious vision and mission, sound organisational values and a number of measurable objectives, including:
- Accommodation – 232 new homes within North East Birmingham, and will comprise of social and affordable homes
- Property refurbishment for existing tenants – a major programme for kitchen and bathroom improvements and window replacements
- Fuel poverty campaign – for more efficient and affordable energy solutions to tackle fuel poverty faced by residents
- Minimum of £2.5 million invested in people and community services – CCTV, youth, family support, independent living, advice and employment support services
- Generate a further £1 million through a new social investment strategy –investment in all communities served by The Pioneer Group, including Stockland Green and Falcon Lodge.
Following consultation, the plan will receive final approval in December 2019 and goes live from April 2020.
Simon Wilson, Chief Executive of The Pioneer Group said:
Our new corporate plan has a number of exciting proposals that will help provide much-needed housing, improve the quality of our existing assets and invest in people and community focused services, not just bricks and mortar.
We want to be the best in our field and to achieve that we recognise that we have to provide a far-reaching yet deliverable programme to build our community. This will ensure that our performance is right up there with the best performers in both the housing and charity sectors. Everybody is welcome to have their say on the plan – our customers, staff and communities.
To find out more, please visit